Sunday, June 22, 2014

Wedding in Fort Wayne

One of my college roommates got married this weekend! The ceremony and reception took place at the Tincaps stadium--Parkview Field.  We had such a blast spending time with my other roommates :)

My friends, Kenda and Matt, had a baby girl, Caroline, that I finally got to meet.  She is such a happy baby!

Miss Dot went to "camp" while we went up for the wedding.  She had extra treats at night and a bath before I picked her up this afternoon.  She was all fluffy and smelling pretty!

We didn't exactly have a healthy breakfast--hotcakes and sausage from McDonald's--but for a late lunch, I made a smoothie.  Alas, they will always be an icky green color with all that spinach.  I decided to freeze a banana the other day to save for my smoothie, but I ran into a problem today when I went to use it--how the heck do you get the peel off when it's frozen? I ended up slicing it in half (like a banana split) and pulling it out from there.

I put a little caffeine into this one.
-lots of spinach
-8 oz almond milk
-1 scoop chocolate protein powder
-1 scoop instant coffee :D
-1 frozen banana
-1 pinch of xanthan gum

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