Sunday, January 5, 2014

In the Knick of Time

What a wonderful vacation! We docked on Saturday morning after visiting the Bahamas, St. Maarten, and St. Thomas. The weather was beautiful and the ship was amazing-- truly a Dream. I had a goal for myself to not buy a huge amount of souvenirs on this trip, and I stuck to it. I bought a spoon (I'm a collector) and a t-shirt from when we went snorkeling, totaling to $25 spent beyond the expense of the trip itself. Go, me!

We made it back in great time--14.5 hours, including rest stops. During the drive, we fired up the satellite radio to listen to the Colts vs. Chiefs game. WOW! What a finish! Second biggest comeback in playoff history.

As we headed north, everyone was calling about the terrible snow storm on its way. Lucky for us, we managed to get home before any snow fell. I slept in today until 10 AM (which is pretty late for me) and I have been thinking about all the things I want to get done after getting home from vacation--laundry, cleaning, organizing. I looked at the clock a bit later and realized how much of the day was already gone and that I wouldn't be able to finish it before going to work tomorrow. As I was sitting in my disappointment, an "unknown" call rang in on my phone. When I answered, it was a message from the superintendent informing me that we have a SNOW DAY tomorrow! This is good and bad; you can see some of my thoughts on snow days in a previous post here

The mature thing to do, knowing that there is a snow day tomorrow, would be to get even more things checked off my list. However, I am contemplating going sledding. Every time it snows, I ask my students if they went sledding. Maybe this time it will be me saying yes to that question.

I may have to flip a coin to make this decision. In the meantime, I'll prepare for a possible power outage during a storm likely to produce -40°F

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