Saturday, November 21, 2015

Wait, why is it a heart?

Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! I'm engaged!

On November 15th, Cole and I were meeting up with some friends in downtown Indianapolis for a birthday.  When we parked, Cole texted them to see where to meet, which was on the circle, but they were running 5 or 10 minutes late.  So, we decided to walk around the monument which was being set up for the Christmas tree lights.

As we were standing at the top of the steps, I looked back at the Indianapolis Power and Light (IPL) building to see if they had the window lit up for the season, but it was lit up like a heart.  And I started racking my brain for why it would be a heart.  Is it cardiovascular month? It's certainly not Valentine's Day... So I asked Cole what he thought the reason was, and as I turned around, he was getting down on one knee and asking me to spend the rest of my life with him!!!  How romantic that he lit up a building for me!

To cut the suspense, I said yes! And, as it turns out, our friends had never planned to meet us; Cole told me that to trick me into going downtown and not be suspicious of his intentions.  What was funny later was that another guy and his girlfriend were downtown that same evening and he saw the building lit up and took it as a sign to propose to his girlfriend, too.

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